“Point your kids in the right direction—
when they’re old they won’t be lost.” – (Proverbs 22:6)
Thursday, July 11, 2013
The men of San Fernando Christian Community led by Pastor Tim Warden joined the 18th Police Community Relations Month. The group headed to the juvenile rehabilitation center in Bauang, La Union. There, they performed evangelistic skits & mimes, and facilitated ice breaker activities. They also led worship and shared their respective life-changing testimonies. All these activities led the inmates to receive Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
Mark Henry Munar, 27, was a rebellious youth whose life was changed when he received Christ. He was among those who volunteered to minister to the young detainees. He shares that he thought he’s had the worst kind of life. He realizes now that he is not alone and that he is glad that he met Jesus. This became the major turning point of his life.
Christopher Cornelio, 15, after participating in the outreach activity realizes that he is blessed to have known Jesus at such a young age. His old life was no different than those shared by the young inmates.
Rodel Munar, 47, a father of three, also performed and helped facilitate in the program. He is grateful that his kids have a personal relationship with Christ. His heart breaks for the youth who are serving their time in jail but is confident that what they shared on that day will plant a seed in their young hearts. R-jay dela Cruz, also a volunteer, adds that he is convinced that these inmates still have a second chance at life. And he is positive that Christ is the catalyst.
18th Police Community Relations Month
Pastor Tim speaking life to the inmates
JR Zaragosa bonds with the young detainees.
R-Jay dela Cruz facilitating an ice breaker. The inmates are all smiles.
“Ang Mga Kamay”, an evangelical skit showing whether to use the hands to build or to destroy, to protect or to hurt, to show love or to reject. The choice is ultimately ours.
“Three Balls”, a mime about our separation from God due to our sins and how Christ bridged that gap. (from left to right: Mark Henry Munar, R-Jay dela Cruz, Justin Miranda)