Who does not want to have an encounter with the One True God? Who does not want to have the best, most exhilarating experience of being in His presence? Where God is, there is peace. There are miracles. There is tremendous change.
SFCC will not stop until the work is done. Jesus commissioned all of us to “go & make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19) and by His grace, more & more people in San Fernando are coming to know who God really is.
Another batch of Pre-encounter participants are being prepared for their Encounter of a lifetime. The anticipation is building up and this is just day one. We have Abba to thank for putting a common passion in each heart to know God on a deeper level.
Attending the Encounter Retreat will not guarantee that life will become better. But knowing Jesus will. He is excited to meet us and tell us of His wonderful love for us.
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