25 July 2014 
Friday, SFCC

It is San Fernando Christian Community’s culture to ‘keep learning’ and to ‘keep growing’. Thus, the quest to improve on the various ways of sharing the gospel has been given emphasis and importance. It has been months since the monthly ‘Sharer’s Training’ started and by God’s grace, more and more leaders are catching the heart and the vision of the church. Not only are they catching it, but they are embracing and running with it.  
This session, there was a film viewing featuring the Canadian missionary, Don Richardson. The film showed how God used him and his wife to bring light to the Sawi tribe of Irian Jaya. This was a cannibalistic tribe.  Don and his wife  knew of the great risk they were taking to reach this tribe. Their lives and their health were in danger, and there was a great gap in terms of culture and language. But they knew it would be worth every risk. 
Rizze (the sharer’s trainer) pointed out that in our country, it does not take much risk to share the Gospel since there are no language or culture barriers.  There are no life-endangering risks, either.  We are, in fact, at an advantage.  Besides, we are not doing it alone. God does not make a command without a promise to back us up.  

“Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching.” ( 2 Tim. 4:2, NLT) 

Related Links: 

Don Richardson – Peace Child

The Peace Child (Malayalam)

Never The Same: Celebrating 50 Years Since Peace Child