27 June 2015 (Tue.) “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” (Mark 16:15)
That is what God wants us to do. As a believer who has experienced the overwhelming love of God, it is but natural to want to share that experience. At San Fernando Christian Community, every disciple’s heart is to spread the Word and to share God’s love to everyone. To enhance the skills and creativity in sharing the Gospel, an Evangelism Training session was held. And since a disciple is a willing learner, everyone got excited at the thought of gaining new knowledge. Rizze Panit, a radical evangelist, headed the training, which was attended by 52 participants. Armed and ready, the group trooped to the City Plaza to apply what they have recently learned. Right then and there, in a span of less than an hour, 75 people received Jesus in their hearts. I can just imagine the heavens rejoicing.
Watch out for more Evangelism Training sessions. Let’s go into all the world!
Rizze headed the training. Her heart is for the lost.
New creative styles for sharing the Good News
The disciples trying out the new technique
The hand signal is a creative way of sharing God’s love to anyone.