The San Fernando Christian Community recently partnered with CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship), a Bible-centered, worldwide organization whose purpose is to share Jesus’ love to young boys and girls, disciple them in the Word, and establish them in a Bible-believing church. The first outreach was in Santiago Norte Elementary School. The first week, there was an open air sharing at the school’s playground. Jonathan Endencia did the sharing while the SFCC volunteers went from classroom to classroom to distribute free booklets to each of the students. The following week, the SFCC volunteers taught the first lesson during the allotted time given to them.
In the organization’s website, it says that if a person is presented with the Gospel message before the age of 14, they are 80% more likely to trust Jesus as Savior.
Like the Child Evangelism Fellowship, we are committed to reach and disciple as many people as possible. And children are people, too.
Jonathan Endencia leads the Santiago Norte Elementary School pupils to a prayer
A student eagerly browses the free booklet.
It takes so little to put smiles on their faces.
The SFCC volunteers with the school principal and staff
Learning about Jesus is never boring.
The children’s excitement cannot be concealed.
Teach them to sing life-giving songs.
Roseann strongly believes that even the little ones have the right to know who Jesus is and what He has done for them.
A child learns to recite a memory verse from the Bible.