CSO Night at the City Plaza
07 March 2014, Friday

It’s a privilege to serve.

There is joy in serving and allowing ourselves to be used in whatever way for God’s kingdom.  It does not necessarily require  extreme actions.  It can start with little things such as giving out a warm, sincere smile, a friendly welcome, an affectionate touch, or a firm handshake.  It does not take much to demonstrate God’s love to everyone.  The Bible is full with admonitions of hospitality and servant-hood. Galatians 5:13 says, “through love serve one another.”  

And with this in mind, a group of SFCC volunteers trooped to the City Of San Fernando Plaza to lend a hand during the CSO (Civil Society Organizations) Night. The Guest Relations team helped with the receiving of guests, aided in the registration process, and ushered the various CSO groups to their respective tables.  Their smiles, amiable demeanor, and on-the-ready attitude contributed to the celebratory atmosphere of the night.  
Arriving early at the venue

A warm touch says a lot.

Aiding in the registration

All people smile in the same language. 

Dancing the night away